Robert Wants to Ask You A Few Important Questions...

Do you feel that alcohol is controlling your life right now, or at least becoming a MAJOR distraction that's starting to negatively affect everything you do?
Do you feel that if you stopped drinking or at least CONTROLLED your drinking... things would be better for you?
Do you often find it tough to make it through the day without feeling you NEED a drink? Is the thought of drinking constantly on your mind?
Do you ever use drinking as a coping mechanism or a way to relax and de-stress... and it's something you seem to look forward to?
Are you starting to find that the more you drink... the LESS OFTEN your friends, family, and co-workers come around?
"Is alcohol causing damage to your life - your health, your relationships with your family and children?"
Do you feel that your drinking is starting to hurt the ones you love... or at least negatively affect your relationships with them?
Do You Ever Worry About How Your Partner Feels Because of Your Drinking?
Do you ever worry that your excessive drinking COULD be setting a WRONG example for your kids... that they may model and COPY your behavior?
Or do you ever worry that you won't "be there" for your kids when you need to be, because of your drinking?
If you can answer "Yes" to ANY of the above... and you feel that your life would be better if you found a way to control or STOP your drinking.... then I have something just for you.
You see... over the last few years, I've taken all the information I learned and used to quit drinking... and I put them into a new Course starting with a 204 page Course Book.

How Alcohol is Destroying Your Health

This is a painful section but I need to do this to remind you of the damage alcohol is doing to you every time you reach for a drink. Especially if you have been drinking for years.
According to the NIAAA - the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, the leading organization for researching and tackling alcohol problems in the United States, 17 million adults over the age of 18 had an Alcohol Use Disorder in 2012. And 1.4 million received treatment at a specialist facility in the same year.
Let's have a quick run-through of the potentially life-threatening damage which your years of alcohol have been causing you:
  • When the liver is breaking down alcohol it produces acetaldehyde, a substance which has toxic effects on your liver, brain and stomach lining, resulting in headache, nausea, vomiting and heartburn.
  • Dehydration - Also the liver needs water to do its work but alcohol is a diuretic meaning it removes water. So the liver has to divert water away from other organs including the brain making you feel worse and further dehydrated
  • Effects on the Kidneys: Alcohol can have major impacts on the kidneys. The main ways are from causing cell damage and enlarging the kidneys to impacting the various hormones that control kidney function.
  • Alcohol causes an ionic imbalance in the body that can affect many metabolic processes.
  • Skin: Because alcohol dehydrates your body and skin, this causes redness of the skin and makes it appear blotchy. This is particularly more marked with women as their skin is thinner than men's so the effects are more marked.
  • Brain: In large amounts, alcohol interferes with some of the chemical messages in your brain. It dramatically reduces your ability to learn and form memories, which is why people experience "blackouts". Long-term heavy drinking can lead to problems in learning new skills.
  • Psychological Effects: Alcohol can reduce inhibitions which lead to destructive or unhelpful changes in behavior. Excessive drinking also affects chemical balances within the brain such as the production of serotonin, which regulates moods. So depressive feelings, insomnia and a loss of concentration can be the results.
  • Magnifying Your Existing Emotions: "What's in a sober man's mind is on a drunken one's tongue" - Alcohol is like a magnifier. If you are depressed, it will make you more depressed. If you are angry, it will make you more angry etc.
  • Other Psychological Problems: Addiction, Cravings as you rely on alcohol for mood change, Affecting Judgement and Ability to correctly assess threats putting you at risk. It can become a habit which can lead to feelings of boredom and hopelessness.
As you read this doesn't this cause you to feel worried and to really feel the potential harm you have done to yourself? Don't you start to question yourself - is this what you want to do with your life? Don't you deserve better than this? And to stop putting yourself and your family through the hell of dealing with sickness and illness caused by your alcohol drinking?
Do you want this damage to your body to continue? Or would you rather stop this and survive the effects of alcohol? And be healthy, happy and clear in mind and in your body?